As part of our dedication to bring more than just software to our customers we offer web site design and hosting services at very affordable rates. We're able to do this thanks to the immense talents of one of our employees - Judy. Before working for IBCS Judy worked as a graphic designer creating advertisements for customers and she's brought her great artistic and advertising talent to web design, both for our customers and on our own site.
You can contact Judy through our sales department to discuss your web site. She'll work together with you on gathering the information she'll need to provide a high-quality web site for your salon. To prepare for the process of having her create your web site it's very helpful to gather all of the information together you'll eventually have on your web site. Have your service menu with pricing and service offerings and any feature retail products (along with pictures if you'd like) ready to send to her. A bit of time writing a short bit about the history of your salon and what sets you apart can make sure that Judy presents your salon in the best light. Pictures and short bios of your staff help to add a personal touch to your site. We'll also need salon details such as phone and email contact information, hours of operation, and the salon's address. Finally, any logos, pictures, and information about your salon's color scheme can help to make your web site recognizable as a part of your salon.
We now have two great options for web site development. Our standard web sites are still the same amazing price they've always been - $200 for the site development. Some examples of Judy's work on standard web sites include,, and In addition we now offer advanced web sites that include features such as Flash (which allows moving picture galleries) at a price of $495 for the site development. and are good examples of these type of sites. Whether you go with the standard or the advanced web site we still offer our low web hosting fee of $25 / month. Even better, if you're an online booking customer web hosting is free!
Call Judy at 800-682-2998 and get started today!
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