Tuesday, July 25, 2017

New Feature - Scheduled Emails

We've added an exciting new feature to our existing Email Program - Scheduled Emails! Have an email you want to make sure goes out next week? Have that special event coming up that you want to make sure your customers remember? Scheduled Emails are for you!

Setting up Scheduled Emails is almost as easy as sending emails out immediately. Just go to the Send E-mail button at the top of the screen and then choose Add Scheduled Email on the right side. Once there you just need to pick a date to send the email, a subject, as well as optionally selecting employees, dates, and all/new/existing customers. Then click Create Message to open the familiar Email screen, create your email, and click Save. It's that easy!

Once your Scheduled Email is created you're done - the email will automatically be sent out in the early morning of the selected date. If you need to make any changes you can get back to a list of your Scheduled Emails with the Modify Scheduled Email button. Even better, this list shows all your Scheduled Emails - even the ones that have already been delivered - so if you'd like to send out an old email again it's as easy as picking that one from the list, selecting a new Send Date, and clicking Save.

We hope this new feature helps everyone out and allows you to create your marketing as you have time and deliver the emails when it's best for you. As always, if you have any questions don't hesitate to contact Technical Support.

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