Thursday, September 14, 2017

New Feature - Calendar Updates

We've made an exciting addition to all of our emails that update customers about their appointments. Now, each of your booking, confirmation, and find appointment emails will include a calendar .ics file. For your customers that have a calendar set up on their computer or phone, they can click on this file attached to the email and have the information about their appointment automatically added to their calendar.

Click here for more information on .ics files and as always if you have any questions don't hesitate to contact tech support.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

New Feature - Scheduled Emails

We've added an exciting new feature to our existing Email Program - Scheduled Emails! Have an email you want to make sure goes out next week? Have that special event coming up that you want to make sure your customers remember? Scheduled Emails are for you!

Setting up Scheduled Emails is almost as easy as sending emails out immediately. Just go to the Send E-mail button at the top of the screen and then choose Add Scheduled Email on the right side. Once there you just need to pick a date to send the email, a subject, as well as optionally selecting employees, dates, and all/new/existing customers. Then click Create Message to open the familiar Email screen, create your email, and click Save. It's that easy!

Once your Scheduled Email is created you're done - the email will automatically be sent out in the early morning of the selected date. If you need to make any changes you can get back to a list of your Scheduled Emails with the Modify Scheduled Email button. Even better, this list shows all your Scheduled Emails - even the ones that have already been delivered - so if you'd like to send out an old email again it's as easy as picking that one from the list, selecting a new Send Date, and clicking Save.

We hope this new feature helps everyone out and allows you to create your marketing as you have time and deliver the emails when it's best for you. As always, if you have any questions don't hesitate to contact Technical Support.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Premium Online Booking

We've often had requests for new features for the online booking. As we responded to those requests the online booking has grown - from the entire employee access section to new methods for booking groups we've added more and more value to the online booking.

There's been a few requests that we haven't been able to add to the regular online booking due to their complexity and setup requirements. We've now implemented enough of these features that we're offering them as a new option - Premium Online Booking.

Premium Online Booking includes all the great features of our regular Online Booking as well as the following new options:
  • Full Tech Card Viewing - We now have support for showing your technical card information in the Employee Access section. As always, you can choose whether to allow this on an employee-by-employee basis as well as whether you want to turn this on for the salon or not. With this feature turned on the technical cards that show up on your work tickets will also show up when you click a customer's name on your schedule. You can also choose how many past cards you'd like to show, whether that's just the last card or as many as possible!
  • Time Card Access - We've also added the ability to have employees clock in and out through their mobile apps. Depending on the setup of your salon's internet and WiFi setup it could be possible to limit this to only be accessible when the device is connected to the salon's WiFi which means the employees could only use it to clock in when they were on site. If you're interested in this feature don't hesitate to contact us for help in determining if your network and internet can support the on-site only portion of this feature.
  • Custom Online Booking Links - Normally we set up a single customer booking and employee access link for each salon but sometimes that's not enough. Many times booth rent employees would like a link for just their customers to use. Sometimes a salon might want to have a separate online booking link for their mobile device users so that they can customize the appearance for smaller displays. Whatever the reason you need it, we now offer the ability to create additional online booking links that are customized for your needs! Each one of these links can have its own settings so you can have only certain employees show, only certain services, change the color scheme, or change any other settings in the online booking.
All of these features are available for an additional $25 / month - call us today to get started!