Thursday, August 30, 2012

Aveda Master Spreadsheet

Filling out paperwork takes up a lot of time for most businesses. There are tax forms, employee reviews, accounting information, as well as information required by various partners and distributors. We're always looking for ways we can save our customers time in that area. That's why we're very excited to unveil the Aveda Master Report.

We created the Aveda Master Report to make filling out this important information for Aveda much easier. In the past getting the information on this report required several different reports from our program as well as several different time frames for each one. It also required manually entering this information into Aveda's spreadsheet. With the new Aveda Master Report you just need to select your dates (Aveda requires a full year, 1/1-12/31), click Continue, and wait for the program to generate the data for the Aveda Master spreadsheet. When it's finished generating the data the program will pop up instructions for getting the results to the Aveda Master spreadsheet. Basically this just involves opening the Aveda Master spreadsheet, selecting the Paste Here tab at the start, clicking on the first cell (A1), and clicking Paste. Once you paste the information the Aveda Master spreadsheet will automatically fill in all the information on the DATA Entry Page.

If you don't have the Aveda Master spreadsheet available when generating the report our non-Cloud customers can use the file c:\salon\aveda0.xls on their main computer to do the same steps. Our Cloud customers can email themselves a copy of the file from the Send button under Customer Display by choosing Attach File and selecting aveda0.xls from the file list.

Whatever steps you use, our new Aveda Master Report will save you a ton of time! As always, don't hesitate to contact support with any questions.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

New Cloud Feature - Taskbar Replacement

Our Cloud software has been very popular but many of our existing customers that recently converted to Cloud brought up an important question - How do we switch windows like we could with the installed version? Unfortunately the Cloud version of our program removed the Windows taskbar that allowed users to switch between open windows. We made changes to make it easier to use the program without that option but the frequency of that question lately made it clear we needed to make a change.

So we pushed up our sleeves, got to work, and created something that in many ways will work out better for our Cloud customers than the old Windows taskbar. Our taskbar replacement targets the specific main windows we feel are the most critical to our program - the main screen, Appointment, Appointment Detail, Check In/Customer Display, Check Out, Customer Payment, Verify Monies, Close Period, Paging, Inventory, Salon Use, Reports, and Maintenance. A few important that users can't minimize such as Close Day were left off of the list but we feel that the above list will allow users the flexibility they had to switch back and forth between the various windows in our program without having that list cluttered with all the extra windows that the Windows taskbar added. As an added bonus the tabs on the taskbar will always show in the order I listed above regardless of what order you open them in. This makes it easier to find the window you need and to quickly switch between all open windows.

We will be updating all our Cloud servers over the course of the next week or so with this great new feature. Please contact us with any questions or problems. This option will also be available to our customers that are using their own in-house servers - simply give us a call and we'll be happy to help you set this up for your own server.